As a leader, an employee or a business owner, our responsibilities and accountabilities are enormous. But when we are battling with our fears (failure, powerless, anxiety, future), our frustrations (relationships, colleagues, ingrained habits, distorted beliefs) and lack of aspiration (happiness, contentment, good health, guilt free, self-respect), it’s extremely difficult to maintain responsibilities and be accountable to ourselves, let alone others.
We must have a clear sense of purpose, not just for ourselves, but for the greater good of our organisation, our family and our community. But purpose is extremely difficult to comprehend, let alone find, when we’re operating in a realm of desperation, stress and simply not knowing.
Our proprietary approach to strategy formulation requires that we truly understand you first, the individual, via your mind and your body. Only then can we help you leverage opportunities and mitigate challenges. Mind & body strategy is the process where you connect your mind with your body so they're in synchronicity, not combating each other. Building a mind & body connection is about clearing the subconscious mind and the body and allowing the mind to be clearer and sharper.
Mind Body Strategy™ can create clarity around self and purpose, and provide the direction you desperately need. That can generate outcomes such as:
"I've known Ingrid for over 20 years and she has such a passion for helping people.
She continually keeps up her learning and has travelled the world to attend the latest courses available and learn from the very best.
Ingrid has helped me personally to develop methods and how to deal with difficult situations at work and the general lifestyle problems we all face.
Life won't change without some effort, and having the support and someone you can trust is hard to find.
You can speak to Ingrid with confidence knowing any problem or development you need to bring to your life, Ingrid will be there with her extensive knowledge and ways she adapts her style to every personality and each problem.
Your information is private and confidential. So if you ever wondered should I try this? My best advice: life is too short and every day your not getting the best out of life is a day wasted. So call or email and ask Ingrid - you have nothing to lose."
- Rodney (2021)
"Ingrid has made a significant improvement to my state of being."
"With Ingrid's help I have been able to take off the mask and show the true version of myself."
"With Ingrid's advanced therapy and body work on my nervous system, I have regained peace in my life."
"I feel lighter, clearer and more whole as a person."